RETS Connector provides tokens that are populated by data from the current task. You can use these tokens in e-mail notification subjects and bodies (see Understanding the E-mail Configuration File) and in application launch settings (see Launching Applications).
The following notification tokens are available:
§ {CLIENTTIME} - The date and time that the task started, based on the client time.
§ {DATESTAMP} - Date when the task was run; formatted as YYYYMMDD. This is the value used for the {date} tag in file names.
§ {INFO} - Information about metadata changes.
§ {LOG} - Full text of the log.
§ {LOGFILE} - Name of the file where the log is stored.
§ {RESULTSFOLDER} - Path to the task’s results folder
§ {SERVER} - Name of the RETS server.
§ {SERVERHOST} - Host path of the RETS server URL.
§ {SERVERTIME} - The date and time that the task started, based on the server time.
§ {SERVERURL} - URL of the RETS server.
§ {TASKNAME} - Name of the task.
§ {TIMESPENT} - Time spent running the task.
§ {TIMESTAMP} - Time when the task was run; formatted as HHMM. This is the value used for the {time} tag in file names.
§ {USER} - User name used to log into the RETS server.